Thursday, September 4, 2014

Tokyo Otaku Mode Rainbow Alpacasso Review

Hello everybunny~! 
I started my Junior year of Highschool this week!
Okay, so I'm a little less than thrilled. xD However, I got a package in the mail from Tokyo Otaku Mode! Which I've been waiting on so I could review~!

Tokyo Otaku Mode is a nice little website that, along with it's store, also keeps up with Japanese Pop Culture! I've ordered from them five times now! (Three other alpacasso, a luigi figure, and I just pre-ordered a Pyramid Head figure, lol)
I placed my order on August 27th. It shipped August 29th, and arrived on September 3rd! The shipping was super fast! I was incredibly happy that it shipped so quickly, especially because it said it wasn't even supposed to ship out until September 3rd! I for sure thought the US holiday (Labor Day) would have slowed things down a tad but nope!
Here's the stock photo from TOM's website ^^
As soon as Amuse released their Rainbow Alpacasso series, I absolutely lost it over the Rainbow Alpaca. The others are cute, definitely! But the Rainbow one just absolutely stole my heart! It took a couple different tries for me to get one (Because they did NOT like to stay in stock for long ;~;) but I finally secured one for myself!
It was shipped in this big 'ol box! And for once, I didn't have to sign for it. YAAAAAY! (I'm almost never home when they bring packages, ugh. :c)
There he is, all nice and safely packaged in there!
As per usual with TOM, my order was packed with this cute little folder! The art is super duper cute! (It holds the receipt, I believe!)

I also got this little freebie! I'm not entirely sure what it is or what it's from, but it's pretty cute and squishy! I think I might put him on my backpack hehe~
And here's the cute little star of the show!
My goodness, I'm so in love with this alpaca! The fur is super soft! It's fantastically made, too. He stands at about 50 cm. I wish there was more I could say, but it would probably sound all gushy and stuff ahaha. 
Here are his tags, all three of them! They were attached to the Amuse plush tag on his butt!
Annnd here he is next to my other 50 cm alpacas! The pink one (Luka) is from the Rainbow series as well, and the Blue one (Kaito) is from the Heartful series!
I think I've decided to name him after George Sewell from Silent Hill, just because it's unfitting as heck mwahaha! 
(The border matched him, hehe)

All in all, I give this a 5/5! The shipping was super fast, the product was fabulous, and the little freebies were so nice and cute! Thank you so much, Tokyo Otaku Mode, for the wonderful service! I'll definitely order from you guys in the future! (In fact, I'm looking to secure the White Alpacasso from the Rainbow Series soon, mwaha)
Thanks for reading my review~

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