Sunday, September 28, 2014

KeuTokki Kitten Collar Sweatshirt Review!

Hello again, lovelies!
Two reviews in one day? Oh my!

I don't remember how I found out about this cute little store, but I'm so glad I did because ahh cute products!! They sell a variety of different things, from stockings to sweaters, and dresses to skirts and everything in between! Tons of cute fashion!

I placed my order on September 17th! I got a shipping notification on September 22nd, and it arrived here on September 27th! The shipping was sooo fast, I was amazed! I didn't expect to receive it so quickly!
Everything was packed all nice and snug in this little package!

It was packaged in this little plastic bag, to keep it nice and safe!

Here it is, all unfolded and stuff. It had a few little fuzzies on it and was a tad wrinkly, but otherwise fine! I expected the wrinkles from the shipping anyways, haha.
Here's the stock photo from KeuTokki's website!
I picked this particular sweatshirt because I reaaally like cats, haha. It's kind of an obsession <3
Here's what it looks like on me!
Oh my goooosh this sweater is so warm and snug! It fits me perfectly! Usually I don't like fitted sweaters, but this one is just so nice and ahhh. I'm in love!
The little collar is a cute touch, too! (Sorry my hand is in the way, whoops ;;w)
The inside is a really nice, soft material. It'll definitely keep me warm in the winter months!
I'm incredibly satisfied with this sweater, so I'd give it a 6/5! I really recommend it to anyone that wants a cute sweater that'll keep you nice and toasty during the winter!
I'll definitely order from KeuTokki again! (I'm eyeing some of those cute skirts, hehe)

Thanks for reading my review!

PinkyParadise Geo Bella Brown Review~!

Hello cuties!
I've got another contact lens review for you today! (Two in one month, oh my gosh!)

Let's get right to it, then~!

This is my second order from PinkyParadise, and my first review of their products~

I placed my order on September 11th! I don't quite remember, but I believe they were shipped out on September 18th? And then they arrived here on September 26th!
The package arrived safely, and doesn't look too beat up! A tad bent but otherwise fine!
The contents of my parcel were not damaged, yay! The contacts were bundled in that red wrapping (foam, I think?). I was also sent two cute little freebies! A cutie contacts case and a little velcro hair pad! I believe it's used to hold back your bangs? I'm not really sure hehe but the packaging is kinda cute!

Here's a closeup of the lens case! These particular ones are a Hippo, which I think is super duper cute <3 (I have a blue hippo contact case for my blue circle lenses, which also happen to be from Pinky!)

Here they are! I've said it already, but I love these cute little bottles!
Here's the stock photo from PinkyParadise's website!
I picked these because I needed them for my Heather Mason cosplay! Also, I wanted to see what I would look like with brown eyes, hehe 

Here they are on my eyes! The lighting was a little wonky? but here you go!
They blend fantastically with my eyes, and they actually look quite natural! I already have very big eyes, so they don't look super strange or anything!
They're not really the color I was expecting, buuuut...They're very very nice anyways! They're also suuuuper comfortable! I kinda forgot I was wearing them while I was testing them out while running errands ahaha. I also got some compliments from random strangers, which has never ever happened before!

I look too sophisticated in these, omg. The second picture is a little thing I like to call 'something just dropped behind me and it was probably my cat, what did you do, cat?'
All in all, I give these lenses a 4.5/5! They weren't exactly the color I was hoping for, buuut they're so comfortable and so cute looking...I don't really mind it! I'll definitely order from PinkyParadise again~!

Thanks for reading my review~

Friday, September 26, 2014

Uniqso Dolly Eye BT Green Review~

Hello lovelies~!
How have you all been? School's been taking a toll on me recently...I'm always super tired! However, school gives me an excuse to dress cute, which I have been >w< It's made me feel pretty good! (You can check out my daily outfit posts on my instagram, @sunderbunny )

Anyways, onto what I'm reviewing!
I was fortunate enough to win one of Uniqso's contests! Their instagram giveaway, to be exact! I was so thrilled to win, I've never won anything before so ahhh, it made me so happy~!

This is my first Uniqso review!
I placed my order on September 3rd! It was shipped out September 10th, and arrived here on September 26th!
It came in this package! The package was a tad bent up, but everything inside was safe!
The little box that the lenses came in was so cute!!! It said Uniqso on the back, and it was just so cute omg the little bears made me so happy <3
I got a free lenses case with it! And it was green, to match my lenses, so I won't have to mark a name on 'em~!
I dislike opening these bottles, but I think they're super cute little bottles ;3;

Here's the stock photo from Uniqso's website!
I picked these because I really wanted green lenses! And they looked so cute, so I wanted to go for it~!

Here they are on my eyes! I've naturally got blue eyes with a green ring around the pupil! (Central Heterochromia ftw!)
I think the color looks super fantastic! I'm so so so in love with the way they look! They're super comfortable! I've already got huge eyes, but the enlarging effect was nice!
They don't look very natural, but...They're still cute!
All in all, I'm suuuper satisfied! c:

Looks like my Colossal Titan plush got into that second picture, my bad hehe
I'm incredibly satisfied with my order, and would give these lenses a 5/5! Thank you again for picking me for the giveaway, I'm super happy! And I'll definitely be ordering from Uniqso soon c:

Thanks for reading my review~